South Asian/Asian: Best Questions to ask a Psychologist or Coach

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South Pasadena is a beautiful, quaint little town with it’s own separate identity than Pasadena, CA: So, finding a psychologist in this city should be easy enough and perhaps you’ve even found a few Psychologists here that seem nice enough. They may have all discussed or offered a consultation, but what do you ask? Do you know what to look for in a Psychologist, Therapist or Counselor? What should you ask or how can you prepare? Or maybe you’re even wondering what questions are appropriate to ask. For most South Asian/Asian Americans even revealing that you are finding a counselor in South Pasadena/ Los Angeles can be a source of anxiety or shame due to the taboo that mental health or emotional health carries in our communities. Even when I introduce myself as a doctor to a new person of South Asian/Asian descent, their expression waivers a bit when they hear my specialty in working with South Asian/Asians struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, OCD, trauma including adult survivors of childhood trauma & so on. .This is changing with new generations, but not fast enough in my opinion. There is definite interest in knowing more. 
Once you have decided to consult in hopes of guidance or support, what’s next?

 When you are experiencing hardship in your life and looking for psychological or emotional support, it can seem like a daunting task to then consult with a Psychologist and ask questions in order to see if they would be a good fit. If you’ve never been in therapy, how will you know what to look for or where to even begin with your queries? Plus, maybe you don’t even understand the concept of a ‘good fit’ Psychologist for yourself. There are many ways to heal & I want to help you feel safe, supported, and empowered to find your path. Most importantly, I don’t want you to feel alone and so I am here to help.

  10 Best Questions to help you consult with a Psychologist 

  1. Have you ever worked with South Asian/Asian clients or other racial minorities?

  2. In reference to the COVID-19 pandemic, are you seeing clients virtually? Will we stay virtual or start therapy in-person once it is safe for us to meet without the risk of catching this virus?

  3. How often do you meet with clients and for how long?

  4. What is your fee? Do you offer a sliding scale or is there any room to negotiate the fee if my circumstances change?

  5. How do you practice cultural humility with South Asian/Asian clients?

  6. Are there any specific office policies around cancelations, being late to a session, illness, etc.? 

  7. Are you aware of some of the main themes prevalent in the South Asian/Asian cultures or will you be looking to me for my input?

  8. Have you ever successfully helped someone going through something similar to me? Or what specializations do you have? 

  9. Can you explain how confidentiality works?

  10. Since family identity is so important in the South Asian culture, what is your policy on including family members in our sessions. 

I hope this helps you find the right Psychologist in South Pasadena. If you are still feeling stuck or wondering if I could be a good fit to help support you, feel free to call me at 626-594-5353 for a free 20-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with couples’ therapy or marital counseling, depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, trauma, or LGBTQ+, you can start at the main page and click here. on any of the above individual specialty pages to read more.