You’ve Faced Enough Pain, Now It’s Time Have Relationships That Are Safe and Loving

You have always known that the experiences you overcome in your childhood have had a negative impact on your emotional life. More recently you’ve started to realize how your close relationships are also getting affected because as much as you secretly want intimacy, it also scares you to be so vulnerable with someone. Having gone through many crises in your life, you know how to adapt, pull it together and even take care of others through it all. But, you are left feeling lonely and at times, abandoned.

You don’t feel like anyone is ever really there for you, and sometimes you’re not sure you even deserve it. You can’t shake off this feeling of badness within you. You’ve tried to try to perfect yourself in every which way, but never seem to feel good enough in the long run. Logically, you know there is no reason for you to feel this way, but that doesn’t stop your depression and at times, anxiety running amuck.

We Help You Heal From The Past

At Mental Wealth, our therapists specialize in emotionally meeting clients where they are at and guide them through their journey of self acceptance and belonging. Through therapy, we c\ help you understand your past experience in a new light and also halt the underlying suffering that you have so carefully hid from loved ones. Your therapist will help you develop higher level coping strategies to help regulate your emotions (‘triggers’), and together you will find a deeper sense of purpose and happiness, like you’ve always wanted.

More Safety and Security

Our hope is that through therapy you will be able to ask for what you need and get those needs met without fearing retaliation from others. You can discover what happens when you value yourself and feel safe and secure in your relationships.

If you are ready to put the past behind you without continuing to obsess about negative experiences with others or feeling sensitive to people around you today, click here to book your first appointment in our South Pasadena office.