You need a place to rest and let go of the anxiety.

Always worrying, your mind can’t seem to relax, even at night. If you do fall asleep (and that’s a big IF) your dreams just give you more anxiety.. Throughout the day, your chest tightens,  like you can’t breathe and sometimes it’s so intense you feel dizzy, like you are going to faint, or worse, die.. It’s exhausting constantly being on the lookout waiting for the next ‘bad thing’ to happen.

You really wish you could just live in the moment, freely without care and yet feel grounded enough to have people around you that you trust and can support you. But it doesn’t seem possible because with deep relationships comes an emotional risk. 

As a psychologist who works with anxiety and as a first generation immigrant woman, I have seen what stress can do to a persons’ physical and mental health.

I can help you understand how and why you are experiencing anxiety (or “I work collaboratively with my client who are experiencing anxiety and provide insight into the how and why;”) and get underneath that cloak to identify your needs, desires and ultimate life goals, whether that be finding an intimate other, having a child or achieving success and financial stability. We will focus on your unique therapeutic needs and identify a pace of therapy that feels safe and secure. Building on a trusting rapport between us, I can guide you to develop mindfulness practices that have been shown by scientific research to help with stress reduction. Being mindful of oneself, has the capacity to create a lifelong change whereby you can stop living in anguish. Instead, you can start living in the moment, working on your life priorities while letting go of the things that can’t be undone. 

On the other hand, if you continue to live your life worrying about your mistakes and feeling guilty; or trying to work on perfecting or controlling every small detail of your life, you risk eventually burning out (if you haven’t already). You can discover how you are at your best when you truly and deeply connect with others and feel a sense of belonging and safety. Without adequate support and emotional needs met, it is near impossible to feel happy nor achieve success.

I help people struggling with perfectionistic tendencies, anxiety & stress to lead a calm, healthier life with functional coping skills and a life long practice of not giving a hoot what others think about them. There is no better way to measure your self-esteem than that.

If you are ready to stop worrying about all of the ‘worst’ things that can happen to you or loved ones, to let go of the immense guilt you carry around with you or to simply develop a healthy mindfulness meditation practice that can ground you, call now us now at 626-595-5353 or click here to book a free consult