Give Your Relationship A Fighting Chance

With each passing day your arguments are getting worse, with no resolution. No matter how hard you and/or your partner try to make up, someone is always left feeling criticized, judged or underappreciated. You often feel like you carry an unfair burden of responsibilities in the relationship. Perhaps you or your partner focus on work or kids, as a way to divert your attention from growing trust issues in your relationship.

More recently, the smallest discussion blows up into fights about who’s right and who’s wrong. These holes in communication have been going on for so long that you don’t even know what you need from your partner anymore, in order to be happy. Or perhaps you know what you need at times, but are too embarrassed to ask for it. Deep down you are afraid that your partner can’t be trusted to meet your needs.

Bringing Healing To Couples Through Psychotherapy

We help couples who are stuck in the cycle of fighting, disconnection and unhappiness, to see their relationship through a new lense, understand each other in a new way, and be able to build connection emotionally and sexually. Whether there is infidelity, talk of divorce or just feeling like roommates, our team of psychologists are here to help.

We believe every couple is unique. You each bring a family history about what it means to be in a relationship. Your culture, values, ideas about intimacy all show up in the relationship you are in now. It’s important that each of your stories is heard and understood so that you can find a new way to be together that is both healthier and happier for each of you.

How Does Couples Counseling Work?

Our assessment process encompasses an extensive information gathering intake with both partners in the 1st session, and then meet each partner individually (2nd & 3rd sessions) in order to create a safe, trusting space. We then meet again in the 4th session to discuss common goals that both partners can agree on and start teaching effective communication skills. Each intimate relationship is different and thus, our therapists may give H.W. assignments, focus on unmet needs, provide insight into emotional ‘baggage’ that partners may be bringing in, attachment styles to each other, underlying process between the partners in terms of what maladaptive patterns are being repeatedly played out and how to change them, just to name a few. Our therapists’ have varied training backgrounds in working with traditional and atypical couplings. We don’t judge. We help you and your partner/s decide what type of a relationship you want to build.

You may have never seen a couples’ counselor or psychologist before, but you may also be scared that if this pattern continues, it will be the end of your marriage/relationship. It’s been too long since you felt understood, seen or prioritized by your partner. How would your life be different if you stopped repeating the same fight over and over and started developing healthy communication styles that rebuilt the trust that’s been wavering?

If you are sick of looking on enviously at other ‘happy’ couples in love, call us now or click below to get started on your FREE 20 min Couples’ Counseling consultation. Starting with the very first session, you will leave with ground rules on how to have effective disagreements and work towards commonly identified goals. At Mental Wealth Therapy & Counseling we also specialize in working with clients who have Anxiety, Depression, PTSD or Trauma, People of Color/Ethnic/Racial Minoritiy issues and LGBTQ concerns as well and you can click above for more information.