Top 7 Myths about Therapy, Psychotherapy, Counseling & Coaching in South Pasadena

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South Pasadena is a beautiful, quaint little city tucked away in San Gabriel Valley and although there are so many Psychologists or therapists around, you may still be unsure of the differences between therapy, counseling, and coaching. It’s even possible that you have narrowed down your search to a handful of psychologists or therapists that you think would make a good fit for you! 

In the era of virtual and social media information sharing, there is so much information (and misinformation), that it may have left you with more questions than not. If you fall in that category, that would be completely understandable and in fact, most people don’t know what is a myth vs. the truth in regards to therapy or psychotherapy. Additionally, I’d recommend that for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), racial-ethnic minorities struggling with depression, anxiety/stress, trauma, or Couple’s Therapy, they find a Psychologist or counselor in South Pasadena that also takes a multicultural approach. Not all therapists are practice cultural humility. I have thus created a list of myths that I hope clients know about prior to starting therapy or counseling with a Psychologist:


  1. Therapy lasts 3 months, but definitely not more than a year:

This is completely untrue. Everyone’s therapeutic journey is different and so you as your own unique individual will take the time you need to achieve your goals. Be it a few months or a few years.

2. All therapy is created equal, so it doesn’t matter who I see as long as they are qualified 

This is also untrue. Although many Psychologists, therapists, counselors, Social workers, coaches may specialize in the area you are looking for, each will have their own way of working with you based on where they trained. What’s important is to look for a good fit between you and the psychologist and not just what they are like on paper. 

3. All therapists fees are the same

False. Since there are many disciplines that can provide therapy, including some South Pasadena Psychiatrists, they can all charge different rates. Most base it on their specialties and years of training that they had. For ex: licensed Psychologists train for 6 years + (minimum), while a coach doesn’t require any formal training. 

4. Talking won’t change anything. I’ve talked about this issue many times before

Although you probably have spoken to someone about your issues, remember that this is ‘talk therapy.’ Emphasis on the second word, ‘therapy.’ There are hundreds of theoretical orientations, interpretations, interventions, specialized programs and so on that Psychologists are trained with, in order to serve as a trusted and trained guide in your journey. Therapy is a process, a journey in your life, and not as simple as venting to someone. 

5. Therapists are silently judging or critizing me

Incorrect. Therapists are usually observing and intentionally listening to what you are saying and also reading between the lines if you will. They are interested often in the underlying meaning or intention of what you are saying than the simple words. They don’t just take your communication at face value. Their silence, poker, or neutral face or intent look may be mistaken for judging. But almost always, this is your assumption. The communication between a client and Psychologist is so unique because it is one-sided and that can make you feel uncomfortable and especially, vulnerable. And that is a feeling we as humans, do not easily embrace for fear of attack. Perhaps it’s instinctual from cavemen and cavewomen era when showing vulnerability (or letting your guard down) did actually mean death at the hands of a predatory animal. 

6. All therapists such as social workers in South Pasadena have had the same amount of training.

As as I said in myth #3, this is not true. Each discipline has it’s own number of years that they train for and then have to pass a national licensing exam in order to practice. The once exception here is coaches, who don’t require any training nor is any of the information you share a piece of protected health information. 

7. I can bring my spouse for couples’ therapy or marital counseling

Not true. You can either see a therapist as your couples’ counselor or as your individual therapist but not both. This is considered unethical because it will involve the Psychologist being in multiple roles with a client, which takes away from the objectivity that’s needed for your therapeutic success. 

That’s it. I hope this helps you find the right therapist or Psychologist in South Pasadena. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (626) 594-5353 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with multicultural (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, etc.) therapy for depression, anxiety/stress, trauma or couples’ therapy, you can read more about how I can help here